Daily Consumption of Strawberries Linked to Significant Reduction in Dementia Risk, Study Shows

Daily Consumption of Strawberries Linked to Significant Reduction in Dementia Risk, Study Shows 

Recent research conducted by a university suggests that incorporating strawberries into one's daily diet could potentially reduce the risk of dementia, particularly for individuals in middle age.

The study involved thirty overweight participants experiencing mild cognitive impairment, who were instructed to refrain from consuming berries except for a daily packet of supplement powder mixed with water during a 12-week trial. Half of the participants, aged between 50 and 65, received powder equivalent to one cup of whole strawberries, considered a standard serving size, while the other half were given a placebo.

Throughout the trial, researchers monitored the long-term memory, mood, and metabolic health of the participants. The findings revealed that those in the group consuming strawberry powder performed significantly better on a word-list learning test and exhibited notably fewer symptoms of depression.

Robert Krikorian, a professor emeritus in the Cincinnati University's College of Medicine's Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, highlighted the presence of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins, in both strawberries and blueberries, attributing various health benefits to these compounds, such as cognitive and metabolic enhancements.

Krikorian emphasized the epidemiological data suggesting a slower rate of cognitive decline in individuals regularly consuming strawberries or blueberries as part of their diet. He underscored the potential cognitive function improvement offered by strawberries due to their anti-inflammatory properties, particularly in reducing brain inflammation.

Regarding the study's sample, consisting of middle-aged, overweight, and prediabetic individuals, Krikorian suggested a possible link between higher inflammation levels and mild impairment of executive abilities. He theorized that the observed positive effects could be attributed to the moderation of inflammation in the group consuming strawberries.

Krikorian advocated for future research with larger participant groups and varied doses of strawberries. The university clarified that while the research received support from the California Strawberry Commission in the form of funding and donation of strawberry and placebo powders, the commission had no involvement in the study's design, data collection, analysis, or publication of results.

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